Friday, November 21, 2008


While I am often a touch compulsive, I don't know that I would call it a disorder. No, this about something else, entirely: Obsessive Cullen Disorder, a condition that so far has baffled medical science. OCD can be traced to Stephenie Meyer's Young Adult series Twilight, and can culminate in mid-night movie madness as I experienced late Thursday night.

A large, sixteen screen theatre shut down on Thursday, November 20 at 10:00 pm to prepare for the onslaught of OCDers. Some wearing "love at first bite" t-shirts, others proudly proclaiming their preference for "Team Edward", and even a few deluded"Werewolves Do It Better" proclaimers crowded in to these theatres to eat their weight in popcorn, perform interpretive dance to the new Taylor Swift song, and of course, see Edward Cullen larger than life on the big screen.

I enjoyed the Twilight books, and the filmmakers did a good job catering to rabid fans, even going so far as to put Edward's first appearance in slow-motion for maximum sighing time. It was a movie I enjoyed (I'm definitely a Team Edward fan), but being there opening night was something I'll remember when I have a teenage daughter who's swooning over the latest heartthrob.

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